The DC Today - Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Episode 578: The DC Today - Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Show notes

Today's Post -

This is Trevor Cummings, and I am sitting in for David Bahnsen to bring you DC Today.

There is a common idiom in the English language, “Wait until the dust settles.” This adage encourages one to be patient until they have more clarity. Investors crave clarity, and when things become too foggy or dusty, investor anxieties skyrocket. These anxieties surface as market volatility, which you are currently enduring.

At this stage, everyone is still sifting through the rubble of SVB to separate substance from hysteria. I want to encourage you to read David Bahnsen’s special Silicon Valley Bank Dividend Cafe, which was published Monday. Our intent here at The Bahnsen Group is to keep you informed and guide you through the dust. David will even be writing a Dividend Cafe piece on Friday dedicated to the plethora of questions we’ve received this week – you won’t want to miss that.

With that said, let’s talk about what happened around the markets today…


Trevor Cummings

Trevor Cummings

Trevor is a Partner, Director of our Private Wealth Advisor Group, and Author of Thoughts on Money.

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