The DC Today - Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Episode 708: The DC Today - Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Markets were hit again today (five out of six days to the downside) as the Biden administration announced a major antitrust lawsuit against Amazon

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Today's Post -

Markets were hit again today (five out of six days to the downside) as the Biden administration announced a major antitrust lawsuit against Amazon, and general market jitters continued (despite a flat day in bond yields).

Why is the U.S. dollar up so much when things are supposed to be so bad in the U.S.? A good place to start might be the fact that yields are high and growth has been decent (and compared to other places, quite decent). Currency is a relative game, always and forever. More dollar bears have lost their faces and reputations, failing to understand that basic point more than anything else.

To be totally honest (and believe it or not, I am serious right now), I cannot remember if “net neutrality” rules were supposed to ruin the internet and the world as we know it or if “rescinding net neutrality rules” was supposed to ruin the internet and the world as we know it. What I do know, or at least I think I know, is that we used to have them (I think), and then they were rescinded in the Trump administration (I think), and it doesn’t seem like a lot of horrible things happened in having them or not having them. And then this morning, I see that with the Biden Administration now having a majority of votes at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the intent is underway to bring back net neutrality rules, which is either a good thing or a bad thing. I would have more to say if I could keep it all straight.

Another Fed governor is talking about a further rate hike, and futures respond by INCREASING the odds of NO further hike. Follow the fed funds futures, not the rush to a microphone.

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David Bahnsen

David Bahnsen

David is the Founder, Managing Partner, and the Chief Investment Officer of The Bahnsen Group.

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