My Eyes Have Seen Midstream Energy's Resurrection

Episode 452: My Eyes Have Seen Midstream Energy's Resurrection

I talk about a very personal and biographical aspect of my life, and apply it all to a really specific investment lesson and principle.

Show notes

I am doing three things in the Dividend Cafe today that I pretty much never do. For one thing, I am blatantly ripping someone off (you’ll see; it’s not as bad as it sounds). Secondly, I am getting pretty biographical (though I guess I do that every once in a while; last week being the most recent example). And then finally, I am really focusing on one pretty specific and even granular investment topic. Now that, I do every now and then – but not like this. You’ll see.

So jump on into the Dividend Cafe to see me rip off someone else’s work, talk about a very personal and biographical aspect of my life, and apply it all to a really specific investment lesson and principle – one that should not be missed.

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David Bahnsen

David Bahnsen

David is the Founder, Managing Partner, and the Chief Investment Officer of The Bahnsen Group.

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