Made in America

Episode 663: Made in America

Let’s talk about expectations for America’s supply chain management in the years ahead.

Show notes

Today's Post -

Bring up the issue of “off-shoring” American manufacturing and you will get a wide variety of responses, many of them highly emotional. Today’s vernacular talks about “onshoring” or “re-shoring” or “near-shoring” – various synonyms or adjacent concepts to the idea of reversing certain trends of globalization, primarily the ones dealing with American activities in manufacturing and the supply chain.

As is the case with almost every topic I could ever address these days, the subject is complex, requires nuance, and doesn’t come close to one of the two simplistic boxes we are supposed to fit all of our thinking and analysis into. My interest in this Dividend Cafe is less political and more economic. It is less about making a statement and more about doing some analysis. It is less about finding a campaign message and more about finding an investment thesis.

So to those ends, we work. Let’s talk about expectations for America’s supply chain management in the years ahead.

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David Bahnsen

David Bahnsen

David is the Founder, Managing Partner, and the Chief Investment Officer of The Bahnsen Group.

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