Credit where Credit is Due

Episode 667: Credit where Credit is Due

Today in the Dividend Cafe, we look at the current state of credit markets and what they teach us about the current state of affairs.

Show notes

Today's Post - Everyone loves to talk about the stock market. When it is doing well, people assume everything is great (wrongly). When it is doing poorly, people assume everything is terrible (wrongly). Presidencies can rise or fall based on the Dow or the S&P 500. The stock market is at least familiar to most people, even if they don’t own stocks. It has cultural familiarity on top of investment democratization.The same is not always true of the bond market, which is interesting since the bond market is so much larger and more important than the stock market. Interest rates, liquidity, mortgages, the currency of a country, and the monies that fund wars, governments, tunnels, schools, and bridges are all a by-product of the bond market. However, the overall world of “borrowing” (debt to one party, credit to another) covers more than just bonds. The “credit” markets delve into the borrowings that exist to make possible homebuilding, homebuying, home re-financing, commercial real estate, small business loans, big business loans, and so much else. Securitizing the debt around car loans, credit card loans, and even aircraft and yacht loans is big business. Credit is not just a “boring” bond market – it is what makes the world turn into a highly robust and active economy. Capital is needed to fund capitalism, and that capital is, far more often than not, “credit” – not “equity” … Today in the Dividend Cafe, we look at the current state of credit markets and what they teach us about the current state of affairs. Few things are more clear throughout economic history than this: weakening credit markets reflect economic weakness, then create economic weakness. It is a vicious cycle as old as the wheel. And even the wheel probably had someone developing it on credit … Links mentioned in this episode:


David Bahnsen

David Bahnsen

David is the Founder, Managing Partner, and the Chief Investment Officer of The Bahnsen Group.

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