An Anniversary to Forget and Remember

Episode 1058: An Anniversary to Forget and Remember

Reflections on the Fifth Anniversary of Covid Market Crash

Show notes

Today's Post -

Reflections on the Five-Year Anniversary of Covid Market Crash

In this special episode of Dividend Cafe, recorded live from Washington D.C., the speaker reflects on the five-year anniversary of the dramatic market movements in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He recounts key events from the early days of the pandemic, including the significant market drops and the unique responses from the Federal Reserve and policymakers. The episode also delves into the broader social, economic, and political ramifications of COVID-19, the resiliency of markets, and the key lessons learned from that period. Emphasizing market behavior during panic, the importance of pre-existing principles, and the inevitability of market volatility, the speaker provides a rich analysis for investors to consider.

00:00 Introduction and Overview

00:33 Reflecting on the COVID-19 Market Impact

01:59 The Initial Market Reactions

02:37 The Week of March 8th, 2020

04:21 The Market's Worst Days

09:46 The Turning Point: March 23rd

14:26 The Federal Reserve's Response

22:17 Lessons Learned from the Crisis

29:32 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

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David Bahnsen

David Bahnsen

David is the Founder, Managing Partner, and the Chief Investment Officer of The Bahnsen Group.

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